High Purity Water Treatment Plants

Purified Water Generation System
Our high purity water treatment solutions are available in various models with flow rates ranging from 200 LPH (0.2m³/hr) to 20,000 LPH (20m³/hr) and with water and energy efficiencies through recycling. They offer full or partially heat sanitizing and incorporate softening, reverse osmosis and continuous electrode-ionization.
Water & Energy Solutions LLP is a leading solution provider for Purified Water Generation System (PWGS) applicable for Pharma, Life Science, Healthcare and Cosmetics Industry. We treat the water from source and can achieve water quality which are compliant to quality standards set by global regulatory bodies like USFDA, UKMCA, MHRA, ANVISA, WHO etc.
Features & Benefits
Standard ready to use product
Available in range of 200 LPH to 20000 LPH with multi skid options.
Compact, standardized, prefabricated system with fully tested before delivery.
Single skid consisting of pre-treatment, softening, Ultra filtration, membranes stage (1 pass and 2 pass RO as per requirement) and final demineralization with control station.
CIP system part of supply along with system .
Skid base piping – MOC SS 304 / 316 OD pipe with Orbital welding.
Skid and Panel MOC – SS 304
Auto and Semi Auto options through colour touch HMI + withOnline data printing facility.
Optional – SCADA system as per 21 CFR PART 11 compliance
Fully hot water sanitizable and chemical sanitizable if required.
Reduces overall water and energy consumption through a recycle and through VFD operation.
Start – up and shutdown logic develops such that no microbiological growth happened in system.
Health report of System shall be generated every monthly automatically through system.
Plant spares available ex-stock
Operation Manual, DQ / OQ / PQ 3 set provided along with system.
Water for injection (WFI) generation systems
WFI Generation or thermal distillation, single or multi-effect, is the most popular method of Water for Injections (WFI) generation. The source for WFI generation by distillation is usually Purified Water. The feed water for the thermal distiller must meet at least necessary attributes for the PW. However, We provides recommended feed water meets USP PW quality requirements.
WFI is a combination of Distillation and Reverse Osmosis. Water For Injection System (WFI) can be created through distillation and through further purification by Reversed Osmosis. The more common method is through distillation, which is an intrinsically safe method. If a distiller would fail or produce insufficient heat, there is no evaporation and no WFI generation. Whilst the use of RO and polishers can generate WFI, it is a cold process and not intrinsically safe as seal ruptures or membrane failures are not easily detectable without the use of additional equipment such as inline micro or endotoxin monitors.
Target Impurities :-
Heavy metals, Nitrates
Free Radical Ions
Advantages :-
For any dissolved salts Rejection upto very 99.9%.
Quality of treated water is very good.
Low Opex cost

PW Storage tank and Distribution

The system has a sleek mechanical construction in SS 316L, all contact parts are electropolished to less than 0.4 RA microns, and the joints are orbitally welded with video-boroscope. Tanks are designed with plain or jacketed construction. The pump is designed to operate optimally at peak loads.
storage & distribution system which has a minimum velocity of 1-1.2 m/sec & maximum velocity of 3.0 m/sec in all the sections of the distribution lines to ensure turbulent flow during normal operation to avoid bio-film information. Internal surface finish for loop piping is less than 0.45Ra
• Purified Water / WFI Storage
• Distribution of Purified Water / WFI
• For Sanitization of PW Tank & Distribution Loop
• Controlling Microbial Load in WFI / PW
• Rejecting High Conductivity PW / WFI
• Sterilization Process Management
WFI Tank & Distribution Loop
• PW and WFI Storage Tanks are manufactured as per cGMP guidelines and ASME VIII, DIV 1 standard
• Storage tanks can be plain, jacketed or limpet type. Jacketed and limpet tanks are provided suitable rockwool / glasswool insulation and AISI 304 stainless steel cladding
• If required, provision of electric heating can also be provided with suitable insulation & cladding Process nozzles will be flushed sanitary flange type
• To make sure optimum cleanability, all tanks are Riboflavin tested
• PW / WFI tanks are provided with necessary accessories for reliable operation
• IPC & PLC based fully automated plant complies with 21 CFR Part 11 & GAMP 5
• Fully drainable sanitary pumps are selected to maintain minimum velocity of 1.2 m/s in the return line at peak load consumption
• Two pumps (Duty / Stand by) are provided to ensure continuous hassle-free operation along with swing arm assembly for changeover
• Distribution skid is provided with instruments to monitor parameters like temperature, conductivity, pressure, flow rate, velocity and also TOC count
• Distribution piping is designed for minimum dead leg criterion of < 1.5 D
• Distribution Loop tubes are semi seamless tubes as per ASTM A270
• All contact parts MOC is AISI 316L Stainless Steel and electro polished to less than 0.4 Rasurface finish and Non-Contact parts are AISI 304 Stainless Steel
• The Distribution loop is designed for 100% drainability by maintaining the minimum slope of 1:100
• All weld joints in the loop are orbital welded using high purity (99.99%) argon gas and can be inspected by boroscopy machine
• Complete set of documentation and certificates to ensure compliance with regulatory authority. We provide DQ, OQ, IQ, FAT & SAT. Also assist client to develop PQ
Expertise in Energy & Water Management
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211/1147, Shop No. 2, Gayatri Nagar, Near Ashirwad Clinic, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad - 382424.